Assassin's Creed Valhalla – The History Behind the Viking Legend
2020-05-12 09:34:41
Assassin's Creed Valhalla takes place toward the end of the ninth century, a time when Norse tribes were leaving their homes in Scandinavia and sailing to the collection of fractured kingdoms known as Anglo-Saxon England. It's here, during this age of transition, that you'll take on the role of Eivor and lead your people to a new land in the search for a new home. As you embark on Valhalla's epic Viking journey, you'll lead deadly raiding parties, fight in massive battles, and build up a prosperous settlement, all within the historical backdrop of ninth century England.
To learn more about this period of time so commonly referred to as the Dark Ages, we spoke with Thierry Noël, historian and inspirational content advisor of the Editorial Research Unit on Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
More details can be found here