ArchAge Unchained Test Server Launching September 23, Official Launch Sept 30
2019-09-16 08:27:31
ArcheAge Unchained, the buy to play server for ArcheAge with "no pay to win elements" will be launching its test server on September 23, with the official servers coming online on September 30. This new server will be operated by Gamigo and promises no pay to win items in the cash shop and will instead monetize through a one time purchase and a cosmetic only cash shop. ArchAge Unchained is run by GAMIGO and being spearheaded by Khrolan, a former TrionWorlds developer who is known in the community as someone who actually played the game and loved ArcheAge.
AAU launches on the latest Korean patch 6.0, which has recently revamped the castle system (loads more depth and involves whole factions instead of top guilds) and added in a new skill tree that adds even more mobility and assassination to the game.
ArchAge Unchained Official Launch on Sept 30. B2P with ZERO p2w, cosmetic only cash shop and max purchase of 3 accounts (multiboxers will be banned).