Black Desert 09/25 Scheduled Maintenance Notice
2019-09-24 03:12:53
Please note that Black Desert will be performing a scheduled maintenance on 09/24 ~ 09/25.
The purpose of this maintenance is to provide a better, more stable game service for Adventurers.
If you are logged into the game prior to the maintenance, please make sure to move your character to a safe location and exit the game before the maintenance starts.
Be aware that if you exit the game while in a combat zone, your character or mount may be attacked by other players or monsters.
It is not possible to access the game while the maintenance is being conducted.
Please check below for further details.
Maintenance Details
Maintenance Period:
NA: 2019.09.24 11:00 PM ~ 2019.09.25 03:00 AM (PDT)
EU: 2019.09.25 07:00 AM ~ 11:00 AM (UTC +1)
Asia: 2019.09.25 02:00 PM ~ 06:00 PM (GMT +9)
Maintenance Target: All servers
Impact: Not possible to access the game or send items from Web Storage into the game
※ Once the maintenance starts, the connection will be lost consecutively, including users who are in the queue to join the game.