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Anthem Became the Most Disappointing No-Show at E3 2019

2019-07-27 01:18:54

This year's E3 is very important for the electronics industry. Major announcements have taken place, such as the gameplay of "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order" and a large number of new EA Originals. However, there is a game that stands out when it is no-show at E3 2019: BioWare's Anthem. The fact that the title barely had a look-in was extremely disappointing.

Although this year's E3 has many aspects that make gamers feel overwhelmed, such as the lack of Sony's demo and the serious lack of actual gameplay, it is probably the worst without Anthem. During the EA Play event, Anthem received a brief and awkward mention before moving the live stream to other areas that EA wanted to discuss.

Anthem's problems have been widely discussed and for good reason. At the time of launch, the title had some major issues that led to the worst reviews in BioWare history. There are some serious technical problems in the game, which is partly due to the struggle between BioWare and the Frostbite engine and the poor management and tension behind the scenes.

E3 was originally an ideal place for BioWare and EA to explain the next plan to speed up the game. The changes made so far are hard to apply to so many games promised, and BioWare promises Anthem as its top priority. In fact, E3 has no restrictions, and lacks serious communication after the game failure, which does not bode well for BioWare's chances of changing the rules of the game.

On the contrary, another serious mistake in the game received a lot of news in E3 2019. Fallout76 was another failure when it was released, but at least Bethesda shared the next plan on E3 - even if it is just adding something that should probably exist first. Instead, Bethesda's struggle at E3 comes down to its strange concern about free mobile games.

If BioWare will regain the confidence of the gaming community, it will not be able to silence Anthem. The similarities with the mass effect Andromeda are hard to ignore - this game prioritizes Anthem in BioWare and causes another intellectual property to be abandoned in the cemetery of the old EA franchise. If Anthem wants to avoid the same fate, BioWare needs to act quickly instead of just considering the upcoming Dragon Age 4.