4 Efficient Ways To Make Gold In Dungeon Fighter Online.
2019-04-17 01:14:02
Gold is everything in Dungeon Fighter Online. With Gold, you can craft good equipment and weapon, which is necessary as your DFO level becomes higher and higher. So, how to make gold fast in DFO. To help you out, here Joymmo.com as the professional website,will provide the proper Dungeon Fighter Online Gold Farming guide and share with you some efficient ways to make gold. If you wanna rake in lots of gold instantly, then Joymmo.com should be your first choice, as we provide Cheap Dungeon Fighter Online Gold along with fast delivery.
Farming Metal Brakium
Farming Metal Brakium in CotD for Data Chips. That can make you a huge profit. Personally I recommend farming BL at least until you have 80 terraniums to sell. From there if you're short on time you can go Watchers of Natram in Mt Kulun, otherwise Grandine/MB is probably your best bet. Keep in mind OV costs 0 FP and endless eternities are a dime a dozen (especially if you've farmed up an Echon set, disassembling the equips you don't want gives a ton) so there's no reason not to run it daily. As a bonus there's the rare chance you get a pot from skeleton unicorn man, and most legendaries from the pot sell for at least 1mil up to like 25mil+.
Grandine vs.Bloody Lane
Either farming King/Slayer Grandine or Bloody Lane are the easiest available options for gold. Here's a breakdown of advantages of each method:
Enemies are lower level, able to use rental weapons to save on repairs.
Grandine can't be used to complete optimal level dungeons.
Grandine can't drop Godly Essence.
Bloody Lane:
BL can drop Godly Essence.
BL drops Terranite, meaning you get a guaranteed 1-1.25mil from trading in 125 Terranite per day.
BL can be used to complete optimal level quests/missions.
BL has a higher unique drop rate, or so I've heard.
BL is harder and can't be have rental weapons used (at least for me).
Anton And Luke Raid
Raids points are rewarded from clearing any raids, and are useful for buying Demon Invites Boxes. Each alt can buy up to 8 per week. There a Limit of 2,000 points gain per week, which is never lost. Cards, and Legendaries can also drop. Luke is the harder of the two raids. Anton raid has died down a bit, so many went to Solo mode if needed. In the Future it get changed.
Demon Invite Boxes Buy Limit reset on Tuesday
Anton Raid days are Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday,
Luke Raid days are Thursday, Saturday, Sunday.
Anton Raid Cost 50 Magtonium
Luke Raid Cost 10 Data Chip + 3 Refine Terraniums.
Leftover Anton Soul Fragments can be converted to epic souls(4:1)
Condensed Antonium can be converted to NobleSky Crit Beads.(159:1 bead)
Leftover Monolium can buy Luke Cards.
Upgrade The Equipment
Equipment upgrade plays an important role in DFO and also an resource for DFO gold. Upgrading the equipment is not easy,but luckily it is much faster than before,efficiency is much higher. You no need to but the gold equipment at the beginning of the game, try to grind dungeons every day.